
Insertion of Content from Other Websites

In several of our articles, we’ve included media for your viewing pleasure (for example, videos, images, articles, etc.). When a user engages with an embed, it’s the same as if they visited the original page.

While connected into your account, these sites may collect data about you via cookies and other tracking mechanisms.


Whom we share your data with

After requesting a new password, your current IP address will be included in the email sent to you.


How long do you store user information for?

For those who choose to leave a message, their words and associated data will remain indefinitely. This way, we can immediately approve any subsequent comments, rather than having them sit in a moderation queue.


In addition, if a user signs up for our services, we’ll keep the data he provides in a personal profile. Changing or removing one’s profile is totally up to the user (except they cannot change their username). Data is also accessible to the website’s administrators.


You decide what happens to your data, and you control it.

You can request a file with all the personal information we have about you if you have an account or have commented here. With your permission, we can also erase your record of personal details. Except for data that serves a critical purpose, including ensuring the safety of our systems and personnel, we will not delete any user-submitted content.


Check out where your data is going before sending it

Using spam detection software, websites can filter out and delete review spam left by users.